Check FESCO Old Bills History 2024

Looking to review your electricity bill history for the past year? You’re in the right place! FESCO offers an easy tool to access your last 12 months of billing information, including total amounts, payment status, and monthly usage in units.

By simply entering your 14-digit reference number and pressing enter, you’ll instantly receive a detailed summary of your recent bills.

Check Your FESCO Bill History

How to Access Your FESCO Old Bills History

If you’re unsure about checking your previous bills or need help locating your reference number, follow these steps:

  1. Find any recent FESCO bill and look in the top right corner for the ‘Reference Number’.
  2. Copy the reference number and enter it in the tool above, then press enter.
  3. To explore more details of your billing history, click on the ‘More Details’ option.

With these steps, you’ll have quick and easy access to your billing records!

To check your latest FESCO bill, Visit the!